3 Tips for New Parents Coping With New Baby Stress and Blues

//3 Tips for New Parents Coping With New Baby Stress and Blues
  • New Parents Coping With New Baby Stress

Nearly one in eight women report experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression every year. While bringing home a new baby can provide some of the greatest joys in life, it can also bring on serious motherhood stress.

Having a baby can be extremely overwhelming, especially for new parents. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take in coping with stress and anxiety. While it can’t take away the stressors, it can help you learn to deal with them in a healthy way.

Keep reading for tips for new parents who may be struggling with new baby stress.

Remember Self-Care

One of the most difficult things for a new mom to do is to focus on herself.

But this step is critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for both mom and baby. One of the best ways to achieve a sense of balance is to remember “me time.”

This will vary between mothers, but carve out some time in your day to do something for yourself. This might include a face mask, a bubble bath, or just sitting down with a good book.

However you choose to unwind, don’t forget to give yourself some needed self-care time.

Reduce Exposure to Substances

When looking to relieve stress, one of the most common methods is turning to drugs and alcohol.

While pregnant and into early motherhood, it’s important to do your best to avoid substances that could be harmful to your baby.

While a glass of wine here and there after the baby is born isn’t the worst thing, you want to be sure to keep exposure levels low. Kids can develop dependencies from a young age—whether that be through breastfeeding or just simply a high-exposure level around the house, be sure to keep alcohol out of sight as much as possible.

For new mothers, this might mean overcoming alcohol addiction that predated the pregnancy. While it’s not easy, it’s one of the most important things you can do for your baby.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Especially with new parents, the theme of “mom guilt” can begin to run rampant. It causes many new mothers to feel inferior when asking for help, or to feel like they must have everything down pat on their own.

In reality, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Asking for help is a perfectly acceptable—in fact, a welcomed—part of motherhood.

This may mean asking for more of a balance with your partner. Or perhaps, it means asking your own mother or mother-in-law for some extra guidance throughout the process.

If familial support isn’t available to you, there are various other avenues to seek some assistance. Nannies can be a great way to ensure there is a trusted, experienced figure watching over your baby while you begin to go back to work—or just to get some extra sleep.

Furthermore, don’t be afraid to ask for help regarding your own mental health, as well. If you’re suffering from postpartum depression—you’re not alone. Don’t be ashamed to talk to your doctor to keep your mental health in check.

More Tips for New Parents

There are so many tips for new parents circulating the web. But, the area that sometimes goes overlooked is the best methods of coping with stress when taking home an infant.

Try incorporating some of this advice for new parents into your own life—your body and your baby will thank you! If you liked this content, check out our other health and wellness articles!

By | 2021-02-01T16:02:13+02:00 January 12th, 2021|Parenting|

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