Spring Cleaning! 4 Must-Have Tips for Cleaning Out the Garage

//Spring Cleaning! 4 Must-Have Tips for Cleaning Out the Garage
  • Cleaning Out the Garage

77% of homes deep clean every spring, according to the American Cleaning Institute’s 2019 National Cleaning Survey. The reason why so many households do deep spring cleaning each year is because 1 in 3 people think they don’t clean as often as they should. 

The average length of time it takes someone to complete their spring cleaning is 6 days. 29% of people complete their cleaning in 1 to 2 days. 31% take 3 to 4 days to finish. 

One of the biggest parts of spring cleaning is cleaning out the garage. Check out our list of tips to follow:

1. Empty Your Garage First 

If you’re wondering how to clean out the garage properly, the first thing you should do is take everything out and put it in the driveway. Some people think that organizing while keeping things inside the garage is best but this might keep you from seeing everything you have in there. 

By taking everything out, you’ll have more space for sorting through all your items. You’ll also be able to see the space inside your garage, which will make reorganizing your things much easier. 

2. Clean the Floors and Walls 

Next on the list of garage cleaning tips is cleaning the inside of your garage. This is why you should take everything out in the first place. 

Once your garage is empty, you’ll be able to vacuum up any dirt and debris. Don’t forget about dusting off any shelves you have in there.

You should also scrub the walls and floors with a sponge using an all-purpose cleaner. Let everything dry before putting your items back into the garage. 

3. Make Separate Piles 

While you’re letting your garage dry you can start sorting through all your things. When cleaning the garage out you should make separate piles for things you want to keep and those you want to donate. Only keep things you know you actively use or seasonal items. 

Make another pile for items you can sell and one for things that aren’t worth saving. You can get a discount dumpster rental to help you get rid of any items that you want to throw away. 

4. Reorganize the Space 

Once you’ve decided what you want to keep, you can start organizing your garage giving everything its own space within reach. If you don’t have shelves you can install some for items that you use more often. 

Any closets in your garage should store items that you use less often like seasonal decor or gardening tools only used in the spring. Tools can be placed on hooks for easy reach. 

The most important thing is to group items by categories so you know where everything is stored. 

Embrace the Best Tips for Cleaning Out the Garage

If you follow the tips listed above for cleaning out the garage, you’ll get the task accomplished in no time. You’ll finally know where everything’s stored and even have enough space for your car!

Make sure to check out some of the other blogs on our site, too!

By | 2021-03-08T15:12:00+02:00 February 18th, 2021|Home|

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