How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on the Face

//How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on the Face
  • Dark Spots on the Face

In your quest to have great skin, you may have come across a common problem: dark spots on the face. Some people call them “age spots” or “liver spots,” while others prefer the more loving term, “wisdom spots.”

If you’re experiencing this condition, you’re certainly not alone. An astounding number of Caucasian people in the US—90% of those over 60 and 20% of those younger than 35—have what’s medically called solar lentigines.

If you have these dark spots, is there anything you can do to reduce or prevent them? Are there any tips to get clear skin?

Keep reading for some insight about this completely normal (and common) skin pigmentation!

For More Mild Cases, Consider Trying Spot Treatments

One of the most frequently-tried solutions for dark spots on the face is spot treatments. If you try this method, make sure to look for the all-important ingredient: hydroquinone.

Hydroquinone is a skin-lightening agent used by many individuals to reduce the appearance of red, brown, or other colored spots on the face. Put simply, hydroquinone is a skin-bleaching agent, so it’s especially useful when used to treat hyperpigmentation.

When used in 2% concentrations in creams or serums, hydroquinone is a safe ingredient that’s been tested and approved by the FDA. It reduces the number of melanocytes present in the skin, making it more evenly-toned with continual usage. It’s an over-the-counter product that should take effect within three months’ time or less.

Sometimes, a professional can prescribe prescription-strength doses to suit your needs better. If you’re finding that an OTC formula isn’t working, you may want to think about looking for a dermatologist.

For More Severe Cases, You May Want to Try Laser Treatments

Inherently, laser treatments are more invasive. Therefore, you won’t want to take this approach on your first attempt to reduce dark spots.

However, if you’ve tried serums, creams, or other options—and you’re finding lackluster results—certain laser treatments might be able to satisfy you. Laser treatments are used to fix a wide variety of skin conditions, from dark spots to scars, acne, and more.

Because of the nature of laser treatments, they’re known to work well and work quicker than topical solutions—most often within 3 to 10 days. But with these quicker results do come some risks (although most are manageable). You can expect side effects such as bruising, redness, swelling, and more; therefore, a consultation with your doctor or dermatologist is necessary and required.

Various types of laser treatments include peels, laser resurfacing, non-ablative laser resurfacing, and fractionated laser resurfacing.

Once you’ve tried either laser treatments or introducing more skincare products into your routine, you may be wondering about preventative measures. Is there anything you can do to stave off later blemishes?

In fact, there is. Keep reading.

You Can Also Practice Preventative Measures (To Avoid Future Appearance of Dark Spots)

You may have tried one or both of the above solutions . . . but what if their results don’t last as long as you’d like? 

To reduce the odds of dark spots appearing again and practice great, safe skincare at the same time, there are a few things you can do now and later. They include:

  • Wearing SPF at all times
  • Using exfoliating products to nourish the skin
  • Covering your skin from the sun with things like sunglasses, wide-brimmed hats, etc.
  • Eating your fair share of antioxidants

Sunscreen is a no-brainer. It’s a product that’s been drilled into our heads since we were children. It’s easy to forget but absolutely necessary to use—no matter your age, skin color, or sex.

If you think it’s not bright enough where you live to garner the need for SPF, think again. Instead, use a broad-spectrum SPF 15, regardless of the weather or the temperature. There’s a compelling reason to do so: 90% of premature skin aging is due to the sun!

We touched on exfoliating above, but we’ll flesh that idea out a bit more now.

Exfoliants, used in combination with brightening serums, can work wonders for dark spots. It gently scrubs off dead skin cells, revealing the glowing skin beneath that dull outer layer. Afterward, touch up the skin with a moisturizer to keep it hydrated and a brightening serum for that even skin tone.

And yes—diet matters, too. Are you eating your leafy greens, your berries, and your citrus fruits? If not, it’s time to let these delicious, nutritious foods enter your meal plan. 

Foods rich in antioxidants aid in skin protection, upping your carotenoid content, which helps the skin reflect harmful UV rays. So, not only is this tip useful, but it’s yummy, too.

You Deserve Great Skin; Reduce or Prevent Dark Spots on the Face With These Tips!

Everybody wants clear skin, but unfortunately, it does take some work on our parts. 

Preventative measures are the best way to reduce the appearance of dark spots. But when dark spots are already there, is great skin out of reach?

We’re here to tell you, “No!” Beautiful, luminous, and youthful skin is in your future if you practice these clear skin tips. 

By using the techniques listed here, you may be well on your way to lightening dark spots, giving you that even skin tone you desire. Once you’ve practiced those, you can move on to preventative measures, ensuring you won’t have to deal with things like laser treatments again.

So, before you leave the site to buy more SPF, keep scrolling our page. You might learn some more fascinating and useful information. 

By | 2020-12-21T16:49:14+02:00 December 9th, 2020|Beauty|

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