These Benefits of Hand Cream Are Undeniable

//These Benefits of Hand Cream Are Undeniable
  • Hand Cream Benefits

Imagine having silky smooth hands, softer than a baby’s bottom. Wouldn’t it be great to get rid of the bumps, callouses, and blemishes on your weary hands?

Now you can, through the many benefits of hand cream. To see why you need to use it, keep reading.

Limitless Benefits of Hand Cream

Hand cream can do wonders for your hands.

In the time of the coronavirus, people are now washing their hands more than ever. Some people may be over-washing their hands, causing redness, pain, itching, and flaking. 

To counter-balance, these effects, use a daily hand cream with an SPF. It should sink in quickly so you can use it throughout the day. Use a richer cream at night with more specific ingredients, such as skin-lightening or anti-aging properties.

To get the most out of your hand cream, put your hands in a pair of gloves after applying the cream. You’ll thereby lock in the moisture and make the cream sink in more. Keep the gloves on for about 15 minutes.

If your hands aren’t too beat up already and you don’t work with harsh chemicals, get a lighter formula hand lotion. It can be applied throughout the day and it’s still moisturizing, but it lacks the nourishing ingredients of a thicker cream.

Other, advanced hand creams can soothe excessive dryness, tighten loose skin, and fade age spots. Moisturizing ingredients include essential oils, Vitamin E, glycerin, and shea butter. For anti-aging effects, seek out AHAs and antioxidants, which will boost collagen and plump your skin.

How to Use Hand Cream

You’ll get more bang for the bucks you spend on cream by applying it properly.

Apply it immediately after a shower – when your skin’s wet – so it attracts more moisture. You could also apply it after washing your hands by lathering up in a hydrating hand cream.

Your fingernails need to be moisturized, too. Work the cream into your cuticles and fingernails to moisturize and beautify your nails.

In these current economic times, you’d love to save money on hand cream. Prevent yourself from having to buy more cream than necessary by wearing gloves in cold weather. Stopping your hands from contacting the air and pollutants protects them from dryness.

Also, exfoliate your hands. Just as you may exfoliate your face, exfoliating your hands rids them of any dry skin. Be sure to use a moisturizing hand cream when you’re done.

In general, apply hand cream often. That could mean every time you wash your hands or irregularly throughout the day. Pretty much anytime your hands feel dry or your skin cracks, whip out the hand cream.

Check out other beauty products here.

I Scream, You Scream, Hand Cream

As you can see, taking the steps above helps you reap the many benefits of hand cream. With a little care and attention, you may become the next great hand model.

Even if you don’t, you’ll still have delicate, unblemished hands. For more beauty tips, see the site’s Beauty section.  

By | 2020-10-19T18:13:51+02:00 October 14th, 2020|Beauty|

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