Here’s How to Throw the Best Christmas Party Ever, Guaranteed

//Here’s How to Throw the Best Christmas Party Ever, Guaranteed
  • best christmas party ever

    ‘Tis the season to be partying!

    Planning to throw an amazing Christmas party? We’ve got you covered with a guide that will help you remove the stress and maximize the fun.

    Read on to find out how to throw the best Christmas party ever! Seriously.

    The Invitation

    The holiday season is all about what it says in the box. Holidays! Everyone expects to attend lots of parties, so you have to make yours stand out from the go.

    To make sure everyone shows up and is ready for fun, you have to send out appropriate invitations. Make them snappy and fun. None of that uptight and formal stuff. Just a fun Christmas invitation with some funny visuals and a gimmick or two will do the trick.

    There are tons of free templates for Christmas party invitations, so you don’t have to pay a fortune.

    Bonus points if you can have an invitation with movable parts, ribbons, or perhaps one of those funny little circuits that play music when you open the invitation.

    The Dress Code

    Holiday lifestyle is synonymous with warm socks, Santa-themed clothes, and of course, ugly Christmas sweaters.

    Set a dress code of wearing mainly red or green, or sporting a truly outrageous Christmas sweater. This will set the tone for merry tomfoolery at your party. This dress code will inspire the Christmas spirit in your party.

    The Décor

    Many people think that you can’t have enough blinking lights and Christmas ornaments for your Christmas party. You know what? They are probably right!

    When it comes to throwing the most outrageously memorable Christmas party, you have to go overboard with lights, Santas, and mistletoes.

    Your main Christmas decoration will be, of course, your Christmas tree. Get an impressive tree and pack it with fancy and eye-catching ornaments.

    You want your guests to talk about your tree, socialize under your tree, and poke fun at your décor choices. This will give everyone tons of fun and create some unique memories for everyone!

    Décor also includes solo cups, snowmen (real or fake), and tinsel in every color imaginable.

    Christmas-Themed Event Displays

    If you want to go big, go for event displays. Nothing screams “epic Christmas party” more than a huge Sana event display on your front yard.

    These will cost you a pretty penny, but they are totally worth the investment since you will get to keep them for next year’s Christmas party. There is a huge variety of event displays you can buy or order to have made.

    The Music

    You can’t have Christmas without the music. For the best Christmas party ever, you need an awesome Christmas playlist with all the favorites that will fill your guests with nostalgia for Christmas past.

    You can find many playlists with some of the best Christmas hits of all time, or build one yourself. Surprise your guests by mixing well-known tracks with unusual or silly Christmas tunes.

    If you are really serious about Christmas music, you can make multiple playlists. One for the start of the party, one for food, one for dancing, and one for the time you will be lazing about on those thick carpets towards the end of the night.

    The Food

    Whether it’s traditional or post-modern, your Christmas dinner will make or break your party. If you are inviting tons of people and prepare a buffet, stock it with all the staples anyone would expect. Don’t forget pumpkin pie, Christmas pudding, sweet potatoes, gingerbread cookies, and every other delicacy one would expect at the Christmas table.

    If you are planning a sit-down Christmas dinner, then you will need an impressive roast beef or a tasty goose or three for your guests.

    The Drinks

    Alright, now we’re talking. Your drinks will put the “spirit” into your Christmas spirit. You will need the usual eggnog, cider, and mulled wine in ample supply. If you want to go all out, get yourself the ingredients for Christmas cocktails and get ready to mix some drinks.

    For those who don’t enjoy alcohol, make sure you have a generous supply of hot chocolate and fizzy drinks.


    Ho, ho, ho!

    It’s not Christmas if the father of Christmas doesn’t show up! You or another member of your family should plan to slip into a Santa costume sometime during the party.

    The physical appearance of Santa is a surefire way to turn any Christmas party into a true Christmas fiesta with tons of laughs and Santa shenanigans.

    The Gifts

    Finally, you have to be smart about Christmas gifts. If you are inviting only a few people, you should buy personalized gifts for each and every one of your guests. They will probably do the same, so you will have to have some space reserved for all those wrapped boxes under the tree.

    If you are inviting tons of people and can’t prepare personalized gifts for everyone, get them a bunch of some kind of smart gift they would all enjoy. A box of Christmas socks is always a good idea for these occasions. Hand each guest and pair and you are good to go!

    Ready to Throw the Best Christmas Party Ever?

    Now that you know how to throw the best Christmas party ever, come on in and check out the rest of our blog.

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    By | 2021-09-30T16:54:22+02:00 November 14th, 2018|Home|

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