The Best Supplements For Women To Stay Healthy

//The Best Supplements For Women To Stay Healthy
  • supplements for women

Did you know that it’s extremely common to be deficient in certain nutrients?

In many cases, women are at more risk than men. While many nutrients can be supplied by a well-balanced diet, you might also need to take supplements.

Not sure exactly what you should be taking?

We’re sharing some of the best supplements for women, so keep reading for a list of the most common issues.

1. B Vitamins

It’s extremely common to be deficient in B12 and other B vitamins, and this can lead to some serious side effects.

You might experience extreme tiredness, loss of appetite, headaches, and weight loss. Left untreated, you might suffer from depression, skin discoloration, problems with your vision, and a decline in memory.

To avoid these scary symptoms, it’s best to take a B-vitamin complex daily.

2. Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats found in certain types of fish.

Getting enough omega-3 is shown to reduce your risk of heart disease, help reduce joint pain and lower inflammation. If you don’t get enough, you could suffer from mental health issues, heart problems, and poor circulation.

Luckily, you can buy omega-3 supplements containing fish oil as an easy way to stay on top of your intake.

If you’re vegetarian or vegan, don’t worry. Look for omega-3 supplements made using flaxseed or algae instead.

3. Vitamin D

Research shows that three-quarters of US teens and adults are lacking in vitamin D – and there’s a good chance you’re one of them.

While vitamin D can be absorbed by your body when you spend time in the sun, this is rarely enough to keep you from becoming deficient, particularly if you live somewhere that’s not often sunny.

Certain foods, like fish, cheese, and egg yolks can also provide you with vitamin D, but it can be tricky to judge exact amounts.

If you want to be certain that you’re getting enough, taking a D vitamin is your safest option.

4. Protein

It can be hard to pack enough protein into your diet, especially if you’re a woman who likes to work out.

If you don’t get enough protein, you might feel tired, experience joint and muscle pain, or struggle to sleep at night.

Luckily, by picking up a product like Sportsfuel bodybuilding supplements, you can ensure you always get the right amount of protein.

Most supplements come in a powder form, making them easy to add to smoothies, mix into porridge, or even bake into tasty treats.

Best Supplements for Women

Supplements are a great way to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need as a woman.

If you suspect you’re deficient, ask your doctor for a test.

You can then look into the best supplements for women, including B vitamins, omega-3, vitamin D, and protein.

Want more tips on staying happy and healthy as a woman? Check out our blog.

By | 2017-11-10T03:29:41+02:00 November 10th, 2017|Health|

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