New Face, Who This? What You Need to Know About the Facelift Process

//New Face, Who This? What You Need to Know About the Facelift Process
  • facelift process

Did you know that we lose 1% of our collagen every year? By the time we’re in our 40’s, we’d have lost 10-20%, which is quite a substantial amount!

Not only that, but our skin will get thinner. There will also be wrinkles and age spots—both of which are associated with aging.

As it turns out, however, there are ways that you can turn back the clock. 

For instance, you can remove excess skin from your face with a facelift surgery. This procedure will generally make you look at least five years younger.

Want to know more about how that works? If so, be sure to continue reading!

5 Things to Know About a Facelift Surgery

A facelift, also known as a meloplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery that is performed by plastic surgeons. Here are some important things that you should know about the procedure.

1. There is More Than One Type of Facelift

There are several types of facelifts. For instance, there is the mid-facelift and the mini-facelift, the latter of which targets the lower face.

Ultimately, you want to choose one based on your aesthetic goals. You also want to keep in mind the different recovery times.

No matter which method you choose, however, your face will look more youthful. 

2. You Will Need Follow-up Appointments

You will have to schedule several follow-up visits after your surgery.

During the first appointment, your surgeon will remove the drainage tube. They will also put new bandages on your face.

Eventually, they will take out the stitches and assess the incisions. While rare, there is a chance of infection after the procedure. 

3. A Facelift Will Last Several Years

The results of a face lifting surgery can last up to 10 years—sometimes even longer. Ultimately, it depends on your surgeon’s skill and the health of your skin.

According to a study, 76% of patients were able to maintain their youthful looks more than five years after their facelift procedure.

Still, it’s not uncommon for some to undergo a second facelift. In some cases, it might even be more successful than the first!

4. You Want to Choose the Right Surgeon

It’s crucial that you choose the right surgeon for the procedure. While all doctors have great abilities, some will be more experienced than others.

Do your research. After all, they are the ones who decide how much skin to remove, and how they should be redraped. 

5. Know Your Aesthetic Goals

As with all cosmetic surgeries, you want to be clear about what you want. Make a list of things that you would like to achieve with the facelift.

Never assume that a surgeon will know what you want—they’re not mind readers! Discuss your goals thoroughly before the procedure.

What Else Can You Do for Your Skin?

Facelift surgeries are effective, but they’re not the only things that can reverse the clock. There are many other things that you can do that will benefit your skin.

For instance, you should always use sunscreen when you’re outdoors. There are also anti-aging supplements that you can take.

Want to know what else you can do? Check out our beauty section for more tips!

By | 2019-04-19T19:45:10+02:00 April 5th, 2019|Beauty|

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