Make a Home Your Own! 10 Beautiful Shipping Container House Designs

//Make a Home Your Own! 10 Beautiful Shipping Container House Designs
  • shipping containers

Today’s architecture trends are all about using recycled, eco-friendly materials, designing on a budget, and making the most out of what you have. Which explains why so many small house lovers are turning to the container house design as a way to turn rustic into modern while building their dream home.

Whether you’re planning on using a shipping container to make a small house of your own, add on to your current home, or even make a private den, read on for some important tips. We’ll be giving advice on how to make the most out of your shipping container design.

Choosing the Right Container House Design

When deciding which container design is the right option for you, there are important factors to take into consideration.

While you may have fallen in love with a design that you saw on Instagram or Pinterest, you’ll need to take into account the unique challenges that come with your own family.

Consider how many people will be moving into this container house. You’ll need to know whether or not you want it to be a two-story home, pet-friendly, or safe for small children. You also want to consider the area that you live in and how energy-efficient it needs to be depending on your heating or air conditioning cost.

Once you consider the basics, then you can start to think about the luxury add-ons that you want to be included in your shipping container home. This can be anything from skyrise windows to sliding farmhouse doors. The options are endless and you’re free to create as you see fit.

Open Light Shipping Containers

The brilliance of shipping container designs is that they can easily be held side by side making it easy to create adjoining rooms with limited resources.

You can always bring in extra lighting by replacing one of the walls of the shipping containers with sliding or full glass windows.

This creates a more natural way to let the light enter your home while helping you save money on electrical utilities.

Full windows or glass doors are also ideal if your home will be situated somewhere with a view.

Raised Shipping Containers

Choosing to go with a shipping container home design doesn’t mean that you’re limited to a one-level home.

You can easily stack your shipping container in a variety of intriguing and clever ways. Shipping containers are relatively light. This means as long as you have the right support beneath it, you can dictate which angles your second level will feature.

Hybrid Shipping Homes

Shipping containers are also a great option as a complement to your home rather than the main construction point.

You can choose to only construct your second level with shipping containers or create side rooms as unique accent features.

Some homeowners use shipping containers as a way too easily bridge indoor and outdoor spaces by eliminating a wall for more of a patio effect.

A Space of Your Own

There are times where you just need a little space. Whether it’s your private office, a music studio, or a place to create art, shipping containers are a great way to carve out your own sanctuary.

Since most of these spaces tend to be one room anyway, the majority of the work is done for you. Replace one wall with a set of sophisticated French glass doors, add in better ventilation, and you’re more than halfway there.

You can also choose to add wooden finishes to the exterior of your shipping container space to create an even more rustic look.

Office Containers

If you’re looking for a unique way to bring individuality to your office space shipping containers may be the choice for you. The containers allow your employees a bit of privacy to get their work done.

Smaller shipping containers are more affordable than the larger sizes, easier to come by, and will allow your employees to feel as if they have a space of their own while still making it easy to connect them all for one mutual working space.

What to Look for in Your Shipping Containers

Since shipping container architecture is on the rise there’s an ample number of container vendors currently on the market.

It’s important to know what to look for to ensure that you’re getting the highest quality of shipping containers available. When looking for storage containers for sale, try and find those that have not been used or have been gently used to ensure your money is going towards a frame that will be long-lasting.

Shipping containers that have been properly welded will also reduce the amount of work you have to do while keeping the heat trapped in your home.

You’ll also find a wide range of prices depending on the size and quality of the shipping containers, so be sure to consult your budget ahead of time to see which option is best suits your needs.

Thinking Outside of the Box (or Container)

A container house design is one of the many ways to incorporate used materials and eco-friendly sources into your home. Blend together recycled materials with different tones and textures for a home that’s sturdy and beautiful;.

If you’re looking for more inspiration on your home design, you’re in luck. We have the essential information on how to get one step closer to the house you’ve always dreamed of check out our blog for more information.


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By | 2021-10-06T15:34:58+02:00 December 16th, 2019|Home|

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