How to Choose the Best Non-Surgical Fat Removal Treatment for You

//How to Choose the Best Non-Surgical Fat Removal Treatment for You
  • non surgical fat removal

It’s a common scenario. You work out regularly and eat well, but you just can’t lose that stubborn fat.

In the past, the only fat-removal options were invasive procedures like liposuction. These treatments were painful and involved long recovery periods of up to six weeks.

But now, new non-surgical techniques can help you reduce body fat without the pain and recovery time of liposuction.

Check out this guide to choosing the best non-surgical fat removal treatment for you.


CoolSculpting is probably the most well-known option for non-surgical fat removal. But although you might have heard of it, you may still be wondering, how does CoolSculpting work?

Using Cryolipolyis, CoolSculpting targets fat cells in the body through precise cooling. The treatment kills fat cells by freezing them at around 4 degrees Celsius. This fat is then eliminated through the body’s natural waste removal process.

There is no anesthesia, needles or downtime with CoolSculpting. Most patients require several sessions, but one session can sometimes be enough for some patients to achieve their desired result.

Unfortunately, there are some side effects.

They include swelling and bruising, but most reactions to the procedure are mild.


Zerona is a form of non-surgical fat removal that uses a cold laser to emulsify fat cells. The laser targets and dissolves fat cells without damaging neighboring cells.

Zerona requires no anesthesia, no downtime, and has few reported side effects.

Patients will need six 20 minute sessions to achieve their desired results. Studies show patients lost an average of around 3.6 inches from the hips, thighs, and waist, making it a lot easier to slip into that slinky dress.

But, some weight comes back after this initial loss.


truSculpt 3D uses radiofrequency energy and controlled temperature techniques to dissolve body fat.

While other procedures target larger areas such as the thighs, waist, and hips, truSculpt treats both smaller and larger areas of the body.

Most patients achieve their desired results after around three months with truSculpt.

And, although there can be some soreness near the treatment area, side effects usually only last a few days.


Unlike other non-surgical procedures, Vanquish only targets fat in the abdomen area.

Vanquish uses low-level lasers and radiofrequency technology to remove stubborn belly fat.

Around four to six treatments of Vanquish will help you lose approximately two to four inches from your waist.

The procedure is one of the most comfortable and produces little to no side effects.


Lipsonix uses high-intensity ultrasound energy to target fat in the love handles and abdomen. A single one-hour treatment is said to be enough to reduce your size, making it appealing to many people.

Some mild side effects include bruising, pain and swelling.

The Best Non-Surgical Fat Removal for You

As you can see, the different options for fat removal all involve varying techniques, side effects, and results.

Remember though: these procedures will not help you achieve dramatic weight loss.

Non-surgical fat removal works best for those who wish to tone and sculpt their body. The best candidates are well within 20 pounds of their ideal weight and live healthy, active lifestyles.

If that sounds like you, then one of these treatments could be perfect to help you get the results you want.

Are you considering one of these procedures? Let us know in the comments!

By | 2021-05-13T05:42:23+02:00 November 8th, 2017|Beauty|

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