AC Troubleshooting Guide: 5 Things to Check Before Calling the Pros

//AC Troubleshooting Guide: 5 Things to Check Before Calling the Pros
  • AC Problems

As we head into an autumn season that is set to be hotter than any in recent memory, you’re probably becoming more reliant on your AC than before.

In a world where a functioning AC is becoming increasingly important for comfortable living, AC problems can cause panic. However, when things start to go wrong, that doesn’t mean you should immediately be on the phone with AC repair services.

Many of the most common AC problems can be quickly fixed with a little bit of AC troubleshooting, saving you time, stress, and money. With that in mind, here are the top things to check before calling AC repair.

1. Check the Power

The first thing to check before calling AC repair is the electricity. First, check to see that none of the circuit breakers that connect to your AC unit have been tripped.

Also, make sure to check any batteries that might be powering parts of your cooling system. Make sure that you have full, functioning electricity in your home. If you do not, this is likely to be a reason why your AC is not working.

2. Check the Air Filters

Before jumping on the phone to AC heating repair, give your air filters a check. You should really be changing your air filters every month or two. Their job is to gather dust and debris and ensure that it does not filter out into the air you are breathing.

If you do not regularly change your air filters, you run the risk of serious structural damage to your AC system. If you think this has already occurred, it is important to call a licensed professional such as immediately to resolve the issue.

3. Check for Frost

If your AC unit is getting a lot of use, then you run the risk of freezing up the pipes. If you are experiencing inefficient cooling, make sure to check the pipes connecting to your AC.

If you see that they are covered in ice or frost, it means they have frozen over from overuse. The best thing to do is to thaw them out completely. You can do this by simply switching the fan on but leaving the unit switched off at the thermostat.

4. Check the Vents

It is crucial that you check the vents as part of troubleshooting AC unit problems. A very common cause of a faulty AC is a blockage in your home’s ventilation system.

Start by making sure that the vent grates in your home are not being blocked by plants or furniture. After this, take a look inside to see if there are any ventilation blockages that could be causing problems.

5. Check the AC Drains

Finally, you should check the condensation pump and the AC drain line of your unit before calling in the professionals. Check to see if any water has gathered inside or around your AC unit.

If this is the case, then the drainage line might be blocked. Simply remove the water and flush the drain lines out to get your AC running again.

Beyond AC Troubleshooting

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By | 2021-06-21T12:18:15+02:00 September 11th, 2020|Home|

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