8 Ways to Keep Your Creativity Alive When You’re a Woman on the Go

//8 Ways to Keep Your Creativity Alive When You’re a Woman on the Go
  • Keep Your Creativity Alive

    Being a woman is a busy job. Whether you have a family or a career or both, there are constant demands on your time and energy. But, that doesn’t mean that you should put your creativity skills on the back burner.

    Creativity and mental illness go hand in hand. Without creativity in your life, you are more apt to become depressed, withdrawn, and stressed out. That’s why it’s so important to remember how creative you were as a child and allow that spirit to come forth in your daily life. Even if you don’t think you have the time.

    But, my job, my kids, my husband, the dog, you say.

    The reality is that these demands are everlasting. And, they’re no excuse. Every woman deserves a little ‘me time’.

    If you’re struggling to find moments for your creativity to shine, keep reading for some tips to keep you focused on the prize.

    8 Ways to Boost Your Creativity Skills When You’re a Woman on the Go

    The importance of creativity goes beyond yourself. Creativity is contagious. The more creative you are, the more likely you are to place yourself around other creatives as well.

    It’s the getting there part that you need to work on, right? So, let’s take a look at how you can.

    1. Just Say No

    Of course, you can’t always tell your kids or your husband that you’re not listening or can’t be involved in their activities. But, you can learn how to say no to whining, crying, and complaining when things don’t go their way. That will leave you the brain space to find your creativity when you have the time.

    While you’re saying no to those you love, you should also find it easier to say no to friends and co-workers when they make demands on your precious time. You don’t have to go to every event just because you care about the people involved. You should care about yourself enough to have this courage.

    2. Make Time

    Let’s face it, you probably find ways to carve out time to read magazines or watch TV at least a couple of times per week. Why not reserve some of that time for your creative projects? Or, at least carve out some additional or separate time for this feat.

    Start slowly with a few minutes per session. Work your way up to 15 minutes and then half an hour. Before you know it, you’ll be lost in your creative flow and all time will be lost.

    Set an alarm if you have to. Make yourself sit and at least try to be creative. Once you’re flowing, use the alarm to bring yourself back to reality.

    3. Negotiate, Consolidate, Delegate

    Remember that family of yours. They can actually come in handy in times of need. You absolutely don’t have to do everything yourself – and in fact, you shouldn’t.

    Ask your husband to take the kids to sports and dance practice. If that won’t work, try one of the team moms. You can always offer to swap tasks like this on alternating days or weeks to find more time for yourself.

    The same thing goes with work. Don’t bring home extra work when you can easily delegate some of it to one of your co-workers or consolidate it so that you can get it done at work, tomorrow.

    4. Blend Hobbies into Everyday Tasks

    Speaking of the workplace, creativity in the workplace is another way to find the time. Bring a scrapbook to work on during your lunch hour, or knitting.

    Get crafty at home by incorporating a bulletin board for family chores and events that you can manage with sticky notes, highlighters, pens, stickers, and more. This is just one way to find a creative outlet in everyday tasks. Go ahead, get creative and see what you can come up with.

    5. Get Support

    If you’re really struggling to find your creativity or the time for it, consider asking for help. View more about supplements you can take to boost your creativity. But, beyond that, ask friends, family, co-workers, and other people in your network for feedback about your creative projects which will give you motivation and inspiration to do more.

    Also, think about joining a creative group or class such as painting or pottery. Not only will you learn to hone the skills of your craft, but you’ll be around like-minded people which will further inspire and motivate you.

    6. Choose Wisely

    Don’t just jump into any type of creativity project unless you know you will be interested. Some creativity examples include, as mentioned, knitting, painting, scrapbooking, and organizing. Otherwise, you might try your hand at learning to play an instrument or drawing or writing.

    The point is, make sure you’re going to enjoy whatever you choose to do. Otherwise, it will turn into a chore and you won’t be creative after all.

    7. Analyze Yourself

    No matter how busy you are, there is enough time in your day to get creative. If you really analyze yourself and your daily habits, you’ll notice that there are probably countless minutes lost to daydreaming, scrolling on social media, and endless meetings with no outcomes.

    Take a look at your schedule and think hard about what can be replaced with a few minutes of creativity. And, while you’re at it, check out these 5 DIY gifts you can make in all that spare time.

    8. Avoid Overload

    Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Choose a few creative ideas to roll with for a few weeks or months before you jump into something new. Remember, you want this to be an enjoyable time to reflect and rest your busy mind.

    Final Thoughts

    Your creativity skills are your own and you are allowed to do with them what you please. All it takes is a little motivation and you’ll find time for your favorite creative outlets in no time.

    If your problem is that you don’t know what creative projects to try, your world is even more wide open. Take the opportunity every chance you get to try something new.

    Once you find one or two hobbies that interest you, stick with them and allow your creative juices to flow. If you need some help, check out this post for a few ideas.

    By | 2022-01-23T12:15:35+02:00 March 14th, 2019|Lifestyle|

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