5 Ways to Boost Your Business’s Cloud Data Security and Keep Your Info Safe

//5 Ways to Boost Your Business’s Cloud Data Security and Keep Your Info Safe
  • Cloud Data Security

The popularity of cloud computing and cloud-based storage comes down to one thing: convenience. Storing information in the cloud makes it easier for employees to access updated information. It also helps them keep in contact on projects no matter their physical location.

In 2018, 96% of all businesses used some form of cloud computing with plans to increase the amount of information they store there. Cloud storage companies work hard to keep all that vital info safe from hackers and fraudsters. But there are things you can do to minimize the risk as well.

Here are 5 ways to improve the cloud data security for your business, so know you’re doing everything you can to keep your information safe.

1. Know How Your Particular Cloud Account Works

First, before you sign-up for a cloud data storage service, you need to know how that particular service works. Do this by reading the user agreement and the terms of services, and asking questions.

Take your time while you read it because, if you’re not tech savvy, it may prove difficult to understand. However, this neglected document usually contains everything you need to know about how they keep your info safe.

2. Conduct Local Backups Regularly

Always, always perform local backups on your data regularly. You should make local electronic copies so, if for some reason you cannot access the cloud, you still can view the files.

Some cloud services offer automatic backups, but it’s still a good idea to have another storage location that isn’t tied to the Internet. Use an external storage device like an external hard drive/disk or a zip drive.

3. Don’t Store Your Most Sensitive Info in the Cloud

As a standard rule, you should avoid storing your business’s most sensitive information in any cloud account.

There’s no such thing as total privacy on the Internet. Even the biggest companies with massive budgets for data security end up getting hacked, like the Sony hack in 2014.

Try to only store information that you need to share on a regular basis in the cloud. Then store your more sensitive data in external drives not connected to the Internet.

4. Encrypt Your Data

Some cloud data storage services offer encryption, but you can always encrypt your data yourself before uploading to the cloud. You can download an encryption app that allows you to create secret key sequences and passwords for your files before moving them to the cloud.

If you’re not sure how to perform data encryption, you can always get help from a customized IT solutions provider like Enterprise Integration at http://entint.com.

5. Use Strong Passwords

Finally, if you don’t already, assign people who access the cloud their own unique password. Make your passwords strong. They should include letters, numbers, and symbols to make it difficult to crack.

Avoid using terms frequently associated with your company. You should also try to come up with a system to memorize passwords so you don’t need to reset them all the time.

Find Expert Answers to All Your Cloud Data Security and Other Tech Questions

Now, once you implement this advice, you should feel a little better about your business’s cloud data security. These small changes make a big difference in protecting your information.

Want more expert answers to your specific technology questions?

Check out the BusinessBlogs hub with tons of helpful tech articles like the latest email security threats and how to protect your business.

By | 2022-01-01T16:56:52+02:00 February 22nd, 2019|Business|

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