10 Squeaky Clean Feminine Hygiene Tips for Everyday Cleanliness

//10 Squeaky Clean Feminine Hygiene Tips for Everyday Cleanliness
  • Feminine Hygiene Tips

Urinary tract infections are the most common bacterial infections in women, affecting 50-60% of the female population.

But while this uncomfortable situation may be normal, chances are, you aren’t excited to get one.

Factors like age and sexual activity can play a large role in the frequency of these episodes, but the answer doesn’t have to be an abstinent life. Luckily, there are a few simple tips and tricks ladies can use to prevent bacterial build-up and maintain tip-top vagina health. 

Want in on the feminine secrets? Follow along to learn 10 feminine hygiene tips you can practice daily to ensure a clean and fresh vagina. 

1. Stay Dry

Moisture is a gathering site for bacteria to grow, so try to keep your bits clean and dry to avoid build-up. Change out of sweaty clothing after workouts and don’t wear your damp bikini for hours after your dip. 

Choosing breathable fabric like cotton will also help regulate airflow. Satin and silk may be feminine and sexy, but these fabrics tend to hold onto moisture and cause unwelcome infections. Keep the pretty panties to special occasions and stick to breathable undies as much as possible.

2. Probiotics

Maintaining a healthy diet with ample water intake is vital to maintaining vagina health. If you frequently suffer from UTIs, try introducing a probiotic supplement into your diet or consuming more probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt. 

Many ladies also experience bacterial build-up relief from drinking cranberry juice or taking a cranberry supplement on a regular basis as a preventative measure. 

3. Don’t Douche

Douching is thought to give you an extra clean feminine area, but in reality, this action is quite counter-productive. Your body is incredibly intelligent and knows exactly what to do to keep everything in balance. 

Because of this, there is no need to clean the inside of your vagina. Have faith in its kick-ass power to do that all on its own. Using harsh cleansers and douching actually disrupts the PH balance downstairs and causes issues. 

Instead, use mild cleansers only on the vulva and avoid ‘deep cleansing’ to maintain balance. 

4. Practice Safe Sex

Using a condom during sexual activity is the best way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections and unfriendly bacterias. These rubbers reduce your chances of catching infections that are carried through fluids such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. 

Whether you use a condom or not, make sure you clean up after intercourse and pay a visit to the bathroom to flush away dormant bacterias. Taking a quick shower, or using a wipe to clean the area is a great option for post-coital care.

5. Wash Frequently

We understand you don’t want to strip those natural oils from your hair by washing it every day, but a quick splash in the shower each morning or evening is key to a squeaky clean feminine area. 

If you exercise or sweat through the day at your job, try to jump in the shower as soon as possible to wash away moisture and sweaty gathering. 

6. Rinse Well

During that daily wash, be sure that you completely wash away any soaps from the skin. Leaving soap on the surface by not rinsing off all remains can cause irritation to your bits. 

Leftover cleansers and detergents will dry out the skin and cause itchy areas, especially around your vulva. Having itchy private parts is both embarrassing and uncomfortable and can wreak havoc on your vaginal health. 

Give yourself an extra rinse off before stepping out of the shower to ensure no itchy situations later on.

7. Use Fresh Towels

Change up your towels frequently to keep a fresh and dry surface ready for drying. Although you have just showered, there are still good and bad bacterias on your skin, and the damp environment of a towel is the perfect environment for growth. 

Using the same towel for extended periods allows bacteria to settle in the fibers and transfer to your body straight after washing. If possible, pick yourself up an antibacterial fabric for your bathroom towel such as microfiber to deter unsanitary bacteria from forming. 

8. Avoid Tight-Fitting Clothing

Living in activewear might be the cause of your frequent infections and potent smell. These tightly fitting ensembles are fantastic for working out, but the nature of the clothing causes sweat to be held close to the skin and moisture to gather. 

When possible, change into looser fitting clothing and allow more airflow to your body. This will deter bacteria from curating and causing those unwelcome odors. 

9. Change Sanitation Products Often

If you find yourself going long hours on the same pad or tampon, you might be allowing for bacteria that you don’t want. Instead of letting these products sit until they are full, change them out often to decrease odor and keep it fresh. 

If your flow isn’t causing you to change your tampon often, switch to lower absorbency options around the lighter-flow times. 

If you use panty liners on a regular basis, keep in mind that they reduce breathability and will need to be changed far more often than you change your undies. 

10. Bathroom Habits

After you use the toilet, take special care with the direction of your wipe. Pulling bacterias forward to your vagina can cause infections and allow unwelcome fluids to the party. 

Instead, wipe front to back and avoid residue and keep your areas fresh. 

Practice Feminine Hygiene Tips

Now that you know 10 secrets to keep your downstairs area fresh and clean, you can use these feminine hygiene tips in your everyday routine. Give your body the best chances of an infection-free environment and ensure a healthy, happy vagina.

Ready for more female-friendly tips and advice? Visit our other articles to learn all about feminine health and discover your most beautiful, happy self. 

By | 2020-11-30T17:30:38+02:00 November 27th, 2020|Health|

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