Weight Lifting for Weight Loss: 8 Facts All Women Need to Know

//Weight Lifting for Weight Loss: 8 Facts All Women Need to Know
  • Woman Weight Lifting

A recent survey found that over 50% of women say that they want to lose weight. Most who follow through attempt to lose weight by increasing their aerobic activity and eating fewer calories. 

The problem with focusing on weight loss methods involving things like a restrictive diet is that they aren’t sustainable. Where’s the joy in counting calories every single day and punishing yourself for the occasional indulgence?

Rather than losing weight with guilt-fueled, short term methods, you may want to try weight lifting for weight loss. Weight lifting can create joy and confidence for all women and can give you the freedom to enjoy food more freely.

However, there are 8 things that all women should know about weight lifting to lose weight. Read on to find out more.

1. Muscle Weighs More Than Fat

You may have heard this before and it is important to keep in mind when you start weight lifting for weight loss: muscle weighs more than fat. 

Why is it important to remember this? You might notice that your muscle mass is replacing the fat on your body but the scale isn’t showing you the numbers that you want to see. Instead, talk to your doctor or trainer about body composition and focus on your muscle to fat ratio.

2. The Biggest Results Come Early

If you’re new to weight lifting and exercising in general, you’re going to see some exciting results right away. Your body is ready to start burning that excess fat and you’ll probably notice muscle gains within the first few months of training.

However, over time, this can begin to level out. You may find that you’re not burning fat or building muscle at the rate you were in the first six to twelve months. At this point, you may want to make a decision between weight lifting and fat loss and focus more of your energy on one or the other.

3. Fuel Is Important

You certainly don’t have to restrict your calories as much when you’re weight lifting for weight loss, but you do want to eat wisely. When you’re trying to gain muscle, healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein are key. When you’re trying to lose weight, you tend to focus on foods that are high in fiber and proteins that are considered lean.

When you’re trying to do both at the same time, you’ll need to find the right balance. A good rule of thumb is to load your plate a quarter full of protein, a quarter full of carbs, and half full of whole foods like fruits and vegetables. 

4. Weight Lifting Can Cause Injuries if Approached Improperly

Weight lifting is serious business and you need to approach it in a goal-oriented way. Just like you wouldn’t run a marathon without running more than a mile, you shouldn’t start deadlifting weights that are equivalent to your body weight without starting out small.

In the early stages, we recommend starting with your natural body weight. Pushups, situps, pullups, and squats will help you to start activating those muscles you already have. 

As you become more comfortable with this practice, you can move to dumbells, resistance bands, and weight lifting machines. With time, you may be ready for the deadlift, but consult a professional before you begin and make sure that your form is correct and unlikely to cause tears or strains. 

5. Weight Lifting Helps You to Keep Losing Weight After Your Workout

Why do some women have more success losing weight with weight lifting than with cardio, alone? 

Weight lifting increases something called post-exercise oxygen consumption. This increases the number of calories your body will burn after your workout is complete. In other words, if you have a low metabolism, weight lifting can help you get it to a better level.

6. Some Weight Lifting Is More Effective for Building Muscle

Once you reach an intermediate or advanced phase of your weight lifting journey, it’s time to start learning more about the most effective ways to lift. 

Lifting free weights requires you to use compound movements that work muscles all over your body. Squatting with free weights and performing deadlifts are two of the most effective ways to build all-over muscle.

That being said, you’ll want to reconsider your goals before heading in this direction. If your ultimate goal was to slim down, then free weights may not be for you. However, if you’re interested in bulking up a bit more, free weights are the way to go.

7. You Can’t Skip the Cardio

When you’re weight lifting for weight loss, you can’t skip the cardio. As we mentioned earlier, weight lifting will increase your post-workout metabolism, which is great for burning fat. However, cardio plays a key role in keeping you slim, even as you’re increasing muscle mass.

As you start your workout journey, you’ll learn more about how your body operates. If you have an easier time bulking up than slimming down, you may want to increase your cardio in comparison to your weight lifting.

8. No Two Women Will See the Same Results

There are a number of factors that will affect your weight loss journey, from your hormones to your metabolism to the foods that you eat. Try not to compare yourself to others and don’t feel discouraged when something that worked for someone else just isn’t working for you.

If you need help shedding pounds and getting into better shape, consider looking into trustworthy weight loss treatments. They may give you the boost that you need.

Weight Lifting for Weight Loss: The Joyous Way to Slim Down

If you’re tired of restrictive diets and constant cardio or you’re not seeing the results you were hoping for, try weight lifting for weight loss. It can give you the power, confidence, and joy you need to make long-lasting life changes.

Our goal is to help every woman feel happy and beautiful. If you’re ready to embrace your womanhood and be the best version of yourself, take a look around our website and see what else we have to offer!

By | 2020-09-07T14:36:14+02:00 August 29th, 2020|Health|

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