Ladies Love CBD: 5 Unique Uses of CBD Oil for Women

//Ladies Love CBD: 5 Unique Uses of CBD Oil for Women
  • Uses of CBD Oil for Women

Have you been interested in trying medical marijuana but are afraid of being impaired?

Cannabis has helped many people treat various ailments. But being high all day isn’t a feasible option for moms and working women.

That’s why CBD oil is such a game changer. 

CBD, which comes from a cannabis plant, treats all the same illnesses and symptoms as marijuana that contains THC. The only difference is that CBD doesn’t contain hallucinogenic qualities. Simply put, it doesn’t get you high.

That means you’re free to take as much as you need. It doesn’t matter if you have to drive your kids to school or write an important legal brief.  

CBD oil can help with many different medical issues. From improving your libido to helping with menopause. Learn more about CBD oil for women here.

1. Ease Menopause and PMS Symptoms 

Before or during their period, many women experience symptoms like cramping and headaches. CBD can help relax the muscles in the head and pelvis that are tightening, which will lessen the pain. 

CBD can also help after PMS is far in the rearview mirror. 

One of the hallmark symptoms of menopause is the dreaded hot flash. CBD contains a cannabinoid called anandamide which actually regulates body temperature. 

Take CBD throughout the day to keep them at bay or take a high dose when hot flashes hits. Check out CBDistillery to find some products that will get the job done.

2. Helps With Autoimmune Diseases

75% of autoimmune disease sufferers are women. Some autoimmune diseases you’ve probably heard of are lupus, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. These ailments bring a lot of painful symptoms along with them. 

Autoimmune diseases all deal with some kind of inflammation. CBD oil is a great treatment because it helps to reduce it. 

3. Makes Sleeping Easier

Many women suffer from sleep issues. Instead of using addictive narcotics to knock you out, use natural CBD oil for a safe alternative. 

It relaxes you and sends you off to sleep quickly. 

4. Increases Libido

Excess stress can contribute to having a lower libido. Women are worried about making ends meet, errands they have to run or how they look in bed. 

CBD oil helps you calm down and thus lower your inhibitions. 

Another great thing about CBD oil is you can also get it in lubricants. Your libido will be increased when you see how much better sex feels! 

5. Curbs Anxiety and Depression 

Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders than men. Depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand. 

CBD has been shown to quell anxiety and lift your mood. When you’re in good spirits, your sleep and libido will naturally improve too! 

Try CBD Oil for Women 

CBD oil for women can help manage all of the unique ailments that ladies experience. Since CBD doesn’t get you high, you can easily experiment with dosages. Eventually, you’ll figure out what works for you.

Did you like this article and want to read more about CBD and marijuana? Then check out this blog to learn about the cannabis products that moms are raving about.

By | 2019-02-03T09:07:13+02:00 February 3rd, 2019|Lifestyle|

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