Christmas is quite literally just around the corner but have you got your Christmas list sorted? Of course we were asked for them months in advance but how did we know what would be the hottest pieces around to add to our wishlist?
Here are a few ideas to hint to members of your family in friends to ensure your Christmas gifts are those you desire, and to aid others when you’re too difficult to buy for!
From your Mum

£8.50 from most major department stores
Completely chic, sweet smelling and feminine
From your Dad

Marc Jacobs, £30
We all struggle to buy for our dads so when the roles are reversed it is unlikely to be any easier. Think technology, something your dad would be interested in. Stray away from make up or fashion and leave that to the girlies in your life!
From your sister

Mac, £32
These colours are divine and the palette itself is gorgeous. I’m sure your sister would begrudge giving this fabulous gift to you but why not get her the same? An easy and gorgeous gift idea on both behalves!
From your brother
Beyoncé’s new surprise album, £13
Once again and easy gift for menn to buy with minimal effort required” Queen B’s album is an absolute MUST HAVE.
From your best friend
Sterling Silver Plated Necklace with Teardrop Purple
Cute, quirky and typical of a best friend!
From your boyfriend
A pair of killer heels!
Topshop, £60
What are men for?
Tashaa Morrish is a Politics and Sociology student. Fashion admirer and enthusiast who loves couture and a fabulous pair of heels, from Newcastle, United Kingdom. You can find her on Ooohlalaa-It’s Fashon!
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