Have you ever dreamt of being crowned the winner of a beauty pageant? Well, your dream could be a reality. Competing in your first beauty pageant can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. With these beauty pageant tips, you will be prepared and ready to take on the competition.
1. Focus on Your Strengths
Not all pageants are meant for everyone. Every pageant has a particular style. When choosing a pageant to enter, look to see if it’s the right fit for you. Pay attention to the scored areas of the competition, and see if they align with your strengths.
For example, if most of the score is based on talent, then your talent should be spectacular and entertaining. If it is a platform pageant, your community service and contributions should be up to par.
By choosing pageants that mostly score on areas you’re proficient in, you have a higher likelihood of winning.
Not sure where to begin researching pageants? Start with Regency Midwest Beauty Pageant.
2. Don’t Forget to Read Your Contestant Packet
Signing up for your first pageant is exciting but don’t forget to read your contestant packet. Here you will find vital information and requirements.
One of the things you should look out for is the rules for the competition. Not paying attention to this information could cost you points or even get you disqualified.
Next, look to see how long and what style the interview is going to be. Will it be standing panel style or one on one style? Knowing how the interview will be conducted will help you better prepare.
Go through your paperwork a few times to ensure you don’t overlook anything.
3. Talk to Experienced People
Undoubtedly the most underrated pageant tip would be to talk to people who can give you a better understanding of the judging process.
Specifically, former pageant winners are the most reliable people to talk to when prepping for a pageant. They can give you valuable insight into the pageant system — they could even give you a few tips and tricks.
In addition to former winners, it’s wise to talk to pageant directors. Ideally, directors of the pageant you want to enter. These are the people who will have the most information about what you can do to increase your chances of winning.
4. Create a Prep Plan
Another useful pageant tip would be to create a prep plan. Depending on which title you are competing for, the process could take a couple of weeks to several months. For example, state titles could take 4 to 6 months whole local competitions can take 8 to 12 weeks.
You should start prepping for your interview at least 10 weeks before the competition. Also, you should begin practicing modeling at least 6 weeks before the pageant.
What Do You Think of These Pageant Tips?
Hopefully, these pageant tips make you feel more confident and prepared for your first pageant. Although it’s essential to be ready for the competition, it’s even more imperative to have fun and enjoy the process.
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