5 Natural Healing Remedies That Work Surprisingly Well

//5 Natural Healing Remedies That Work Surprisingly Well
  • natural healing remedies

You may have heard some people say that natural healing remedies are “quack” medicine. People often say that home treatments have no place in the modern world, given today’s medical achievements.

That, however, simply isn’t true. The fact of the matter is, many natural healing remedies do really work. This can be verified by the number of stories you’ll hear from people who tried such solutions and found relief from their ailments.

Keep in mind, though, that just because some of these remedies do work, not all of them are effective. To help you sift the wheat from the chaff, this article will explain five real, helpful remedies that can treat a variety of common illnesses.

1. Peppermint Oil to Relieve a Headache

Peppermint has a natural cooling effect. When you apply peppermint oil to the skin of your forehead, it soothes and relaxes the stressed muscles, working to increase blood flow in the area.

The result is quick relief from stress induced headaches.

2. Spice Mixture to Cleanse Your Body

Besides making bland food taste amazing, spices have another ability that’s just as important: some of them can help you cleanse your body of toxins.

A spice mixture made up of equal parts ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric, mixed with a teaspoon of coconut oil and honey, all stirred in a cup of water will help your body flush out the bad stuff.

3. Green Tea for Weight Loss

There are hundreds of different kinds of teas available today, but green tea remains one of the most popular. And for good reason: green tea has several health benefits, not the least of which is weight loss.

Green tea is proven to be a fat burning compound that can help you accelerate weight loss and achieve that beach body you’ve always wanted.

4. Ginger Ice to Calm Nausea

If you have a sensitive stomach, then this one will probably be your favorite of the five natural healing remedies in this post.

You may have already heard that ginger is great for calming a sensitive stomach. To get this benefit, just soak some ginger in hot water. After straining out any residue, freeze the water into cubes and suck on them whenever your stomach starts acting up.

5. Aloe Vera to Soothe Burns

Aloe vera is an amazing plant. It can be distilled into a tasty juice, used to condition hair, and even aid in weight loss.

One of its most popular uses is to soothe burns. If you’ve had a nasty accident over a hot stove, don’t fret: just apply a thin film of aloe vera gel to the affected area and you’ll feel almost instantaneous relief.

There’s lots of great resources out there for lifestyle and health advice. One authority in the space is Tarsul.com

Which One of These Natural Healing Remedies is Your Favorite?

Now that you know five of the most popular and effective natural healing remedies, comment your favorite one below! If you know another powerful remedy, be sure to contribute your knowledge in the comments section as well.

By | 2021-05-13T05:34:58+02:00 August 22nd, 2017|Lifestyle|

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