5 Glowing Skin Secrets That No One Wants You to Know

//5 Glowing Skin Secrets That No One Wants You to Know
  • glowing skin secrets

The average American woman spends about $8 on her face each day.

And for the skin care industry, that’s a fair chunk of change. In fact, they’re forecast to rake in a staggering $131 billion in 2018.

Of course, with so much money at stake, the industry will do anything to keep you from knowing the truth about skin care.

The fact of the matter is you don’t have to apply an unfathomable amount of magical ointments and lotions each day to achieve that desirable radiant face.

On the contrary, these five glowing skin secrets are all you need.


Exfoliation is one of the key secrets for glowing skin. Best of all, it can be done from the comfort of your own home for cheap.

I recommend creating a mixture which you can apply in the shower once or twice a week. Use the following:

  • One tablespoon of organic coconut oil.
  • One teaspoon of raw sugar from the cane.

Use a Hydrating Mask During the Night

When we sleep, our body does an amazing job of healing itself, including our skin cells.

You can aid the process along by placing a hydrating mask over the top of your regular nighttime moisturizer.

Plenty of professional products are out there, but a cheap DIY option is to use a raw avocado.

Not only do they taste great on nachos, but the humble avocado is a natural glowing skin secret as well.

Simply mash it up into a pulp (as if you were making guac) and spread it all over your face. It only needs to rest for about 10 minutes or so.

An Intense Pulsed Light regime is an excellent way to complement your daily hydration mask therapy. Dr. Jeneby Malpractice offers the service which will help you fight the onset of aging and have you looking your youthful best in no time.

Chow Down on Superfoods

Another radiant skin secret is to consume a generous portion of superfoods each day.

Produce such as quinoa and kale contain loads of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory minerals which have a healing effect on our skin.

They may be a little more expensive than your regular fruit and veg, but they’re a whole lot cheaper than all those fancy skincare products in the cosmetics aisle.

Sleep as Much as Possible

Being tired all the time puts a lot of stress on our body, including our skin.

Ever noticed those huge bags under your eyes after a rough night’s sleep? Those aren’t temporary. Keep sleeping poorly, and you’ll develop wrinkles in all the wrong places.

Be aware that the quality of your sleep plays an important role as well. For best results, you want to drift into a deep sleep. I know, easier said than done, right?

One thing you can control is your position. If you tend to sleep on your stomach, you are putting undue pressure on your face and neck. Consequently, you’ll suffer from inadequate circulation and sagging skin.

Try to sleep on your back or side instead.

Consume a Daily Dose of Vitamin C

Scientific studies have shown that Vitamin C does wonders for the skin. The vitamin is jam packed full of antioxidants, can stimulate collagen, and contains a lightening pigment which brightens your pores over time.

Other Glowing Skin Secrets

These are just a handful of the countless glowing skin secrets out there. Many more exist, some of which are more effective than others.

For now, give these five tips a try and see how they work for you.

By | 2021-09-06T16:06:23+02:00 September 10th, 2018|Beauty|

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