The 5 Best Beginner Friendly Adult Dance Classes

//The 5 Best Beginner Friendly Adult Dance Classes
  • adult dance classes

In the past, taking adult dance classes for recreational or workout purposes wasn’t very common and, in a lot of places, wasn’t even an option.

Most dance studios were geared specifically toward young professionals. But today more and more studios are offering adult classes, and the best way to get involved is to just show up.

Jumping into a dance class can be daunting, but most beginning adult classes are meant for people who have never taken a dance class before. So you can be completely new to the sport and still fit into the class.

And it turns out taking a dance class makes a great workout. If you are a little reserved about jumping in, you need to take a look at these dance class benefits and which five classes you should start with.

The Benefits of Taking Adult Dance Classes

There are a lot of different benefits to taking adult dance classes, and they aren’t just about getting a good workout. Taking an adult dance class is also an exercise for your mind, and it gives you the chance to meet people with similar interest.

But let’s first start out with what you’re expecting, the physical benefits.

It’s a Really Good Workout

The best thing about using dance as a workout is it doesn’t focus on one part of the body. You are constantly using your arms, legs, and core, so a single dance class covers all the bases. Both your upper body and lower body are getting strengthened at the same time.

Dance is a cardiovascular activity that also focuses on movements that tone your muscles. You develop skills like coordination, core strength, musicality, and an awareness of the body you don’t get from other kinds of workouts.

You even work on your flexibility during dance classes, sometimes without even realizing it. A good dance class is like taking a bunch of different kinds of exercises and throwing them together into one ultimate workout.

It’s Also Really Fun

Working on all these different muscle groups is hard, but in a dance class, you’ll hardly even notice. You’ll be too busy focusing on technique, execution, timing, the routines, and the music.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t like normal workouts. It’s hard to get motivated and stay consistent, especially if the workout is boring, like running on a treadmill or sitting on a bike.

You don’t have to focus on doing a certain number of sets or forcing yourself to workout for a certain amount of time when you’re dancing. It’s a distraction from the normal, boring workouts, which makes it easier for people to enjoy themselves.

They aren’t paying attention to the workout side of it. They’re just focusing on the dancing.

It’s a Workout for the Mind

Most dance classes teach you a routine or two you then have to work on for the rest of the class. This means you have to memorize specific movements, positions, and steps very quickly.

The focus required to learn the right moves exercises your mind, improves your memory, and strengthens your ability to multitask.

In fact, adults who dance several times a week have been found to have a 75% lower risk of developing dementia because of how dancing effects the mind, which is something no other physical activity can give you.

It’s a Social Form of Exercise

You aren’t just going through the workout on your own. Adult dance classes let you socialize with people of different ages and different backgrounds that share a similar interest.

Working out with other people is more likely to get you motivated and encourage you to try new things. It’s also a lot more fun when you’re making personal connections and new friends along the way.

What Should I Wear to Dance Class?

This could depend on the kind of dance class you decide to take, but you shouldn’t worry about sporting the traditional black leo and pink tights look.

Remember, you aren’t training to be the next prima ballerina. You’re just getting a good workout and having some fun.

Some people like to wear skirts or other flowy clothes, but as a general rule, you can probably wear anything you would put on for a yoga class. If the teachers have specific clothes they’d like you to wear, they will let you know, but most probably won’t care.

What Are the Best Adult Dance Classes to Take?

Really it comes down to your personal preference. There are a lot of different kinds of dance out there, and as you look for a dance studio (like Golden Dance & Cheer Academy), you should take the classes that you really enjoy. However, if you’re just starting out and need a few recommendations, these are a few good beginning classes.

1. Beginning Ballet

Ballet is very technical, but it is a good base for any other kind of dancing. It will teach you all the positions and vocabulary you’ll find in a lot of other dance styles. It’s also really good for strength building.

2. Beginning Jazz

It’s a little bit more upbeat than ballet, and you’ll focus more on dancing out on the open floor rather than with the barre. The style will be similar to ballet, but it won’t be as technical or disciplined.

3. Zumba

This is a great way to get started in the dance world. This kind of class is upbeat and fun and a little more focused on the workout side of dancing. If you want to try an adult dance class, this is a good introduction.

4. Ballroom Dancing

It’s fun, it’s classic, and it’s a good workout. If you have a partner who wants to dance with you, this is a good way to both get involved.

5. Beginning Hip Hop

You don’t have to worry about buying a specific type of dance shoes to get started in this class. You can just wear your normal tennis shoes. It’s really active and you can add a lot of personality to your moves.

Ready to Start Dancing?

Taking adult dance classes is the best way to workout because you’re not focused on the exercise. You get to have fun and burn calories at the same time.

Want to jump into a dance class but feel like you need to prepare a bit first? Check out these best exercises for ab workouts.

By | 2018-02-20T21:04:52+02:00 February 20th, 2018|Health|

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