All About Comfort Zone and How To Escape It

//All About Comfort Zone and How To Escape It

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It might seem crazy and it will definitely seem hard, but if all things would come easy then we would never grow! 

It has been a long long time since i have written anything, mostly because life put me in so many different situations that i found it hard to just sit down and enjoy some Sunday writing, but at the same time, life gave me a new vision, new hopes and new dreams! I have never expanded as much as i did in the last weeks and i want to share it will all of you.

It all started with: having to write my final paper for university, managing papers for my leaving for US, being completely broke – personally and professionally, being unsatisfied with my body figure, managing the team @Estilo-Tendances and figuring out how where INSPIRE ME Project is heading to, not to mention having to answer the all time question “What am i doing after graduation?”

After i stopped asking all these silly questions like “Why does it have to happen now?”, “Why do i have to work so much?”, “Why can people understand how much effort i put into it?”, etc. and stopped victimizing for what was happening … i started to take responsibility for what was going on and take action!

#1 First thing I did was working harder!

Nope, not quitting, but working twice as much and twice as focused! I knew that if i wanted to develop more and bring Estilo-Tendances where it belongs, i had to leave my comfort zone and do things i’ve never done before! Said and done! If i look back now, i can see that these last weeks were the ones that brought us closer to fulfill our professional goals: more readers, more social followers, better teamwork, more responsibility, more opportunities, and now, more money!

#2 Second thing I’ve done, was becoming aware that my body will never look the way i want, if I don’t go the extra mile.

Ok, eating healthy, walking 30 minutes/day, going to Tae-Bo from time to time was okay, but i really wanted to see results, so i had to change something! With my last savings (seriously!) i bought a gym membership and started going 2-3 times a week. It was the first time, in my life, when i was so responsible about my body and besides losing weight, after only 4 weeks, my body changed it’s shape and i gained the confidence that if i keep doing it, in maximum a month i will reach my goal and have the body i dreamed of! Now, that i am looking back, i am like “Why haven’t i done it before?”, “Why did i had to wait so many years to actually change something?” but at the same time, i know the answer “I wasn’t ready to leave my comfort zone and to stop victimizing!”. Look at your life, do you find yourself in the same situation? If you do, don’t wait any longer, days pass anyway, make them count!

#3 Third thing I did was realizing that in life, sometimes you got to do things you don’t like anymore

School for me was ALWAYS a priority, until i realized the joy and excitement working at Estilo-Tendances brings me. After this, it was very hard to focus on studies and becoming an engineer. Seriously, fashion and engineer?! Anyways, although i was on a verge of postponing graduation, because when things get hard we tend to follow the easy path and postpone things... i took the decision that even if timing is bad, even if i have so much work to do, i can DO THIS! I procrastinated A LOT, but finally, i managed to write a nice thesis, study for my final exam, present my thesis and graduate with a high grade: 9.51 (In Romania, we have a 10 point scale system, where Insufficient means “4 or less” and going up, perfect means “10”).

#4 Forth thing I did was working on my belief system and my emotional intelligence

I knew that i was responsible for everything in my life and at the same time i knew i had the power to change it all, but i needed to change my mindset, work on my fears, work on my stress management and just live a happy life! I actually managed to stay positive and enjoy these past weeks, visiting my parents much often, going out much often and spending more time with my boyfriend! I was blessed enough to go to Bowen Therapy, where i got a nice cleanse physically and emotionally and for my fears and stress management, i started the Bach Flower Remedy, which proved to be AMAZING! (and i just started it a few days ago and saw a big change!)

#5 The last thing I did was meditating daily!

I was scared of the unknown and of having no definite answer to the all time question, in my case, “Where do i move in after graduation?” and of not having money to survive these weeks. After i let go and started to trust more, money came! I have never had so much money coming at me without asking or begging for it! Personally and professionally, i am not broke anymore and my faith in God and Universe is much stronger than ever, because i realized that when you let go, when you stop controlling every aspect of your life, you get more than what you could ever imagine! And i got the answer to my question, but more about that later!

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Today i am on a plane to New York city, going to our vacation home in Bethany Beach, DE for at least 4 months. I am saying “at least”, because you can never know for sure what is going to happen – that is the beauty of life!


If you don’t like how your life looks like: not happy with your job, not having enough money, having a bad relationship, disliking your lifestyle, etc. THEN it is time to change the way you do things and the way you see things! I wish i could tell you there are some special glasses or fancy clothes you can wear and that everything will change! The truth is, EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE when you will LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ZONE and start taking responsibility for everything that is happening in your life and take action to change it!

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With love,


By | 2017-06-13T20:30:57+02:00 June 29th, 2014|Lifestyle|

About the Author:

I am passionate about Fashion, Style, Lifestyle, Wellness, Education, Life Coaching, Writing, Reading and watching motivational videos. I love life and people. I think we all have a gift and i want to help people discover it, because a life lived without a purpose and joy is in vain.