
/Roswitha Moti

About Roswitha Moti

I am passionate about Fashion, Style, Lifestyle, Wellness, Education, Life Coaching, Writing, Reading and watching motivational videos. I love life and people. I think we all have a gift and i want to help people discover it, because a life lived without a purpose and joy is in vain.
21 01, 2014

Ohsawa Detox Diet – Day 7

By | 2017-06-13T20:31:33+02:00 January 21st, 2014|Lifestyle|

Day 7 What did i eat: Well, day 7 for me was a Monday! And not just that, was my exam day -the one i was super scared about. So, for breakfast i could not eat anything, just drank water, this is how i usually do on exam days, but before Ohsawa i would have

20 01, 2014

Ohsawa Detox Diet: Day 6

By | 2017-06-13T20:31:33+02:00 January 20th, 2014|Lifestyle|

Day 6 What did i eat: On this day i did not eat a lot, for some reason i had a different day, maybe because it was Sunday and instead of truly relaxing i had tons of work to do and stress with my exam...and i was in terrible pain, because of my injuries to

19 01, 2014

Sunday Photo: Just Relax

By | 2017-06-13T20:31:33+02:00 January 19th, 2014|Lifestyle|

Hello to another wonderful Sunday! Either you have to study for your finals now, or feel awful about Monday being tomorrow, please take a few moments to RELAX. You heard that right: relax! There are so many things happening around us that we cannot control and thus we worry too much about them, why are

19 01, 2014

Ohsawa Detox Diet – Day 5

By | 2021-09-30T16:53:06+02:00 January 19th, 2014|Lifestyle|

Day 5 What did i eat: Breakfast: I started my morning with 2 cups of water and 10 pieces of bread bites. I burned them a little bit, but they tasted good. (Bread bites made with wheat flour, buckwheat, salt and water) Lunch: I found out about a 'new recipe': you let the wheat for

18 01, 2014

Ohsawa Detox Diet – Day 4

By | 2021-09-30T16:52:40+02:00 January 18th, 2014|Lifestyle|

Day 4 What did i eat: Breakfast: My boyfriend was trying to cook rice in the Dry Cooker (which is amazing, i have it for more than 2 years and everything i cook in it turns out great) but he totally forgot about it, so instead of boiled rice, we got crispy baked rice --AMAZING!

17 01, 2014

Ohsawa Detox Diet – Day 3

By | 2017-06-13T20:31:34+02:00 January 17th, 2014|Lifestyle|

Day 3 What did i eat:   Breakfast: I tried so hard to eat some boiled rice, but i just could not. Then i tasted a bit of boiled millet, but again, i just could not eat anymore. I was feeling hungry, but had no appetite. Snacks: I made some bread bites from wheat flour

16 01, 2014

Ohsawa Detox Diet – Day 2

By | 2017-06-13T20:31:34+02:00 January 16th, 2014|Lifestyle|

Day 2 What did i eat: My boyfriend cooked breakfast and he made boiled millet with salt. I started with 2 cups of water and then i could hardly eat half of what i had on my plate. For lunch, i made some buckwheat piuree with salt, but it was awful, i could not eat

15 01, 2014

Ohsawa Detox Diet – Day 1

By | 2017-06-13T20:31:34+02:00 January 15th, 2014|Lifestyle|

As a founder of Estilo-Tendances I made a promise to myself that i would do whatever it takes to help women worldwide to live a healthy and happy lifestyle. This being said, in the past months i have changed my life completely, changing all my habits and studying daily about improving my lifestyle. In the

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