5 Quirky Fashion Trends You’ll Fall in Love With

/, Style/5 Quirky Fashion Trends You’ll Fall in Love With
  • quirky fashion

Ladies, we sure do a lot of things well. One thing in particular? Keeping up with the newest trends (and rocking them, if I may add.)

But, sometimes, it’s fun to push beyond the envelope and look past what’s hot right now. That’s what makes us true trendsetters.

So, where do you find unique trends when what you’re seeing in the store is all the same? We think we can help with that.

We’ve compiled a list of our 5 favorite quirky fashion trends that we’re confident a unique gal like yourself will love. So, grab your bags — let’s go shopping!

1. Goth Princess

Somehow, these two totally contrasting styles tend to work together- quite well actually.

Perhaps, because the two are such polar opposites, they bring out a nice balance between one another? I’ll let you speculate on this one.

Anyway, what’s great about this trend is that there are so many ways to customize.

You can go more traditional goth with cross and pentacle necklaces. You can add a grunge element with platform boots and oversized sweaters. You can even throw in some light tonnage in your hair, Pastel Goth style.

The options are quite open!

2. Newsboy Hats

Likely thanks to our queen Hadid sisters, newsboy hats are actually quite popular again.

Sure, they may feel a little Oliver Twist. But, that’s not keeping anyone, including Blake Lively and Kate Middleton, away.

3. 80’s Glam

Big shoulders, leather, lurex — you name it, ladies. Although I must say, it’s funny how quirky this may seem to us but to Mom? Not a chance.

(In fact — you should ask to see some of her old stuff.)

As they say, history has a tendency of repeating itself. That’s why we’re seeing many revert back to a classic decade of unique style and fashion — the glorious 80’s.

Grab your Yo Sox, maybe even tease that hair, and rock out with a decade that truly shaped us.

4. Khaki

How the tables have turned. What we used to nag our men about is making its way as a quirky fashion trendy right now. (Oh, how they’ll love that one.)

But, of course, we took it and made it better. Khaki material is woven into elegant party dresses. Khaki is worn as long trousers. Heck, Lily Collins even rocked Khaki as a blazer.

5. Kick Flare Jeans

Last but not least on our list is another unusual suspect — kick flare jeans. With the rise of leggings and skinny jeans, flare jeans quickly became a thing of the past.

Once (wrongly) deemed as Mom jeans, they are now quite a crowd favorite. What makes kick flare jeans cool is that they are a cropped version — which we all secretly know are comfier.

For Quirky Fashion Trends, Style Tips, and More!

Founded as a personal fashion blog, Estilo Tendances now serves as a platform for empowering young women. We provide tips on health, beauty, style, and much more.

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By | 2021-02-24T22:09:33+02:00 September 19th, 2017|Beauty, Style|

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