Halloween is a magical moment of the year! It is the time we celebrate fear and horror, but at the same time it is a great reason to dress-up in a costume and go trick or treating along the neighborhood.
I know that in Europe we don’t normally do that, as in we don’t really celebrate Halloween at all, but it is a super fun celebration and it is worth the while. I remember when going on my exchange in Canada I went trick-or-treating with my two younger host brothers and it was something so different compared to what I have experience before!
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Even though, on our continent this is not a big deal, there are Halloween parties and they are amazing! It is something truly worth the while, especially in a big city, such as London, and, because at Estilo Tendances we care about you a lot, we are here to give you ideas and costumes to wear for the most fearful night in town!
We have thus created a top 10 costumes, some great findings and some hair and make-up inspiration! What do you say about that?
First things first, as I love to review things, and as i randomly stumble upon great sites (only sometimes), I have something to share with you! A site where you truly find some great costumes for Halloween is one called Rakuten.com . Did I mention they have some amazing prices? Go see for yourself!
#1- Do you want to build a snowman?
For the love of Frozen! Do you want to build a snowman? Or should you simply let it go, now? It was a movies that depicted in a way the real world, but for children to understand and making an Elsa appearance would be not only interesting, but glamorous at the same time, as her Frozen dress is a marvel!
Hair inspiration
Here is the How To for Elsa’s hair in Frozen! It looks amazing and it can be worn in different ways at different events!
#2- Are you, or are you not Maleficent at heart?
Maleficent was a true box office killer! With Angelina Jolie flaunting her most evil Disney sort of a character yet, she manages to make it interesting, sexy and rather beautiful! Get inspired by her great role in the movie and get a Maleficent costume for your future Halloween party! It is in a way captivating and, you will surely get people’s attention!
Make-up inspiration
Because the hair is slightly not visible under the whole head ornament, the make-up does it all! It adds the finishing touches to the perfect costume for a great party!
#3- Belle of the Ball
Being the Belle of the ball is a common practice, but at Halloween, many would argue that you need to somehow instill fear in everybody when you show up! However, I don’t think so… Halloween doesn’t only celebrate fear, it is a feast of costumes, and what better inspiration than the beautiful love story in Beauty and the Beast! Beauty has a heart of gold and does not let herself scared by Beast, she sees through his loneliness and falls in love with his heart, proving to everyone that true beauty comes from the inside!
Hair inspiration
Belle’s hair in this specific part of the movie makes you want to be a Disney Princess! After several searches, we have found a perfect hair tutorial to make this beautiful hairdo happen!
#4- A trip to ancient Egypt…
Who said Egypt was only pharaohs and Cleopatra? Egypt is a piece of history that lives together with our world, and if you are looking for costumes, this place offers a myriad of them. Of course we love the idea of a Cleopatra costume, as she was the epitome of a strong and beautiful woman who knew what and when to do, but, because sometimes we want to get out of the ordinary, we suggest you to take on a mummy costume. As all the important people in Egypt were mummified, we have a sexy and television like idea of this, that would make for a great Halloween party costume!
#5- Remembering the Flinstones
The Flinstones were an era! the era of childhood, where dinosaurs and humans lived together on a planet, and where the two women, Wilma and Betty were amazingly arranged for the times they lived in! An interesting and rather captivating idea of a costume would be to channel your inner Stone Age self and take one of the two characters to impersonate!
The Wilma hair inspiration
Betty’s hair is quite simple, but Wilma’s may pose a few problems! However, we have found a great tutorial on makingniceinthemidwest and we want to share it with you!
#6- Army, where are you?
We want you for the Halloween Army! No, we are not kidding! Instead of channeling your inner 1920s lady of pin-up girl, why not try an amazingly interesting twist of the retro costume in the persona of an army official, and an incredibly sexy one! Whether it is an army themed Halloween party, or simply a not so classic take over the costume, pick your army uniform and head over to celebrate!
#7- Sail to Halloween
There is no Halloween party without the usual sailor references. Whether it is Popeye with his Olive, or whether it is a simple retro sailor, it is a great idea for a costume! Retro or not, this costume makes you another type of the Belle of the Ball, that catches people’s attention through her pin-up side, and emerges as a classy and charming woman, ready to party!
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#8- I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!
This is not only one of my favorite lines from a movies I adored, but it is the line that brings Tinkerbell back to life! One of my favorite fairytale characters, Tinkerbell is cute, smart and captivating! besides that, she is also magical and can fly, so who can not fall in love with her? She has a giddy personality that makes you want to impersonate her every Halloween!(or at least it makes me want to do this) So why not? In the end her dress is short enough to let your beautiful long feet get some autumn air, if it is not too cold and to catch everyone’s attention!

Hair inspiration
Because Tinkerbell’s hair is amazing, we have found a tutorial that helps us recreate something very similar to it!
#9- Uhm, cupcakes anyone?
I know this might sound slightly weird when I say that you could actually dress us like food! By food, I don’t mean the McDonald’s Moschino fever, but real actual food, or maybe just cupcakes, to keep it real! I personally love and adore cupcakes, and, if the party would be funny or if I would simply find myself in a very amused moment, i would go dressed as a cute cupcake! Cherry on top, one such costume can actually be found! I am a happy Halloween costume addict!
#10- Pirates of the Caribbean Halloween edition
Because there can’t be Halloween without a dose of pirates, we suggest you go with the safe part and dress as a pirate! It is sexy, you can channel your inner warrior and dress up! You will surely grab everyone’s attention with the costumes we will show you! It is your chance to shine, and you can even not comb your hair, to give a more pirate-like twist to your costume! It lets your imagination wander in terms of accessories, hair and make-up and it is easy to find as a costume! When out of time, just go for pirate!
Hair accessory inspiration
Because pirates always seem to have a sort of headband, we have gone towards Hermés and their “Pirate Fleur” scarf tieing technique!
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Feature image: gratisography.com