The Best CBD Only Products to Try in 2019

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    Are you curious about CBD only products? They’ve taken off in the past few years, and there’s a CBD product for everything. You can find CBD pain relievers, CBD products for animals, CBD beauty products and more.

    The industry is exploding because more women are willing to try CBD products, especially for medicinal purposes.

    If you’re new to CBD only products, how do you know what products you should try? You’ll find mints, oils, lotions, gummies, and more.

    Read on to find out which CBD products you should try and how you can find the right CBD products for you.

    Why CBD Only Products?

    Do you know what CBD stands for? It means cannabidiol. It’s a natural chemical found in the cannabis plant. The reason why people are hopping on the CBD bandwagon is that they want a product that has similar medicinal impacts as THC (also part of the cannabis plant) without the high feeling.

    That’s what CBD does. It’s an alternative to drugs with side effects that can ease pain, anxiety, nausea, among many other ailments.

    Athletes are even turning to CBD to help with pain and recovery. Some professional athletes have become advocates of CBD and there’s a big debate as to whether it should be banned or not.

    When you’re looking for CBD only products, you want to be clear as to what you’re looking for. Certain products are great for certain applications.

    For example, if you’re looking for a CBD product to relieve pain or muscle soreness, a lotion or topical is going to be much better for the job than a gummy.

    On the other hand, gummies are great if you want to have a CBD product to help you sleep or to curb anxiety.

    Choosing CBD Products

    One other thing to know about CBD only products is that they’re not created equal. There are many CBD products out on the market that still contains THC. Most of these products will be on the label in the form of a ratio, like 1:1 THC CBD.

    The reason why this is important is because of legalities. Technically, THC is still a banned substance, which is why marijuana is federally banned. It’s also illegal in most states at this time.

    CBD meanwhile is legal – for the most part. In some states, the type of plant that’s used to extract CBD will determine the legality of the product. For the most part, if the product was extracted from hemp, you’re OK.

    If it was extracted from the marijuana plant, you may be breaking the law. You’ll want to check the law in your state and keep up with them. They’re always changing as state and local governments try to wrestle with this issue.

    Does that mean that you’re getting less of an impact if you use a hemp-based product as opposed to a marijuana-based product? Not in the least. The main difference in potency will be in the type of strain that’s used, not the type of plant.

    When choosing CBD products, you also want to check with the extraction method. Some products will be extracted by liquid, oil, or C02. The method of extraction is important to know because some methods have a higher risk of contaminants getting into the product.

    The Best CBD Only Products

    Are you ready to try some of the best CBD products? We’ll take a look at the different types of CBD only products and the best products in each category.

    CBD Only Oils

    CBD oil is probably the most well-known type of CBD only product. CBD oils are primarily used to vape or smoke.

    When you take CBD oil, you want to make sure that you know how to take CBD oil and how it can help with certain health issues.

    CBD Edibles

    CBD edibles are produced in countless forms. You can run through CBD products for days, the same way Bubba ran through potential shrimp dishes in Forrest Gump.

    You can find CBD chocolates, CBD gummies, CBD mints, CBD capsules, and CBD confections just for starters.

    Colorado Hemp Honey has, you guessed it, CBD infused honey. The CBD is made from hemp products, making it absolutely delicious with their various flavors.

    There are also CBD tinctures that you can add to teas and drinks just in time to calm down and relax for the evening.

    You can also find plenty of CBD drinks and milks to have throughout the day, too.

    CBD Topicals

    Topicals are great to have in the event you need to run come lotion or cream in an area that is uncomfortable or painful. Topicals are commonly used for arthritis to help manage pain.

    For CBD only topicals, companies like Ananda Hemp create topicals and other products that you can enjoy. 

    CBD Only Products are the Future

    More people and especially more women have reaped the benefits of CBD only products. Whether they’re looking for a way to help with pain, sleep, or anxiety, CBD products have been shown to help ease those symptoms.

    When you’re looking for CBD products, make sure that you do your research first. Start with what your needs are and then make sure that what you’re getting is CBD only. If you get a product that has THC in it, you could be breaking the law in your state.

    Do you want more great CBD tips? Check out what products marijuana moms are loving.


    By | 2019-05-31T18:10:39+02:00 May 23rd, 2019|Health, Shopping|

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