
10 04, 2019

These Aging Breasts: How Your Breasts Change as You Age

By | 2021-09-03T15:09:21+02:00 April 10th, 2019|Beauty, Health|

Every woman wants to have full, beautiful breasts. An attractive cleavage can boost your confidence and self-esteem, enhance your figure, and make you feel better overall. After all, there's a reason why breast augmentation is so popular worldwide — more than 300,378 procedures were performed in 2018 alone. The problem is that our breasts age

4 04, 2019

5 Important Benefits of Detoxing Your Body

By | 2019-04-19T19:45:18+02:00 April 4th, 2019|Health|

Our bodies ingest hundreds of dangerous toxins year round (think pollution, pesticides, and preservatives in food, personal care products, cleaning supplies, medicine, and drugs of choice) which puts a "toxic burden" on our bodies and has become one of the leading causes of chronic disease.   Our livers and kidneys do detox naturally, expelling the poisons as

1 04, 2019

Early to Bed, Early to Wake: How to Create a Night Routine for Better Mornings

By | 2019-04-19T19:46:49+02:00 April 1st, 2019|Health, Lifestyle|

Your life is busy, right? Sometimes it doesn't feel like there are enough hours in the day to get everything done. Being pulled in a thousand different directions with work and family can be exhausting. That's why getting a good night's sleep is so important. Many people suffer from a lack of sleep. This lack

1 04, 2019

7 Remarkable Stones for Health and Healing

By | 2021-02-23T19:06:44+02:00 April 1st, 2019|Health|

Crystals happen to be an ancient method used as a component for healing. Even with today’s medicinal wonders, crystals still hold significance to many people. Crystals have a way of aiding and lifting the mood and condition of the spirit. However, they require intention and thought to use. You also need to make sure you

29 03, 2019

Worth Every Shot: 5 Innovative Treatments for Infertility in Women

By | 2021-05-26T14:54:36+02:00 March 29th, 2019|Health|

Infertility can inflict stress on individuals and couples who are trying to get pregnant. It can be an exhausting journey that can take a considerable toll on your life. Many individuals even experience intense emotions like embarrassment, shame, or hopelessness. But there is a solution to almost every issue. 1 in 8 couples have trouble sustaining pregnancy or getting

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