
29 07, 2019

DIY Outdoor Shed Storage Ideas

By | 2019-08-02T17:01:25+02:00 July 29th, 2019|Home|

Are you finding storage to be a problem in your outdoor shed? Outdoor sheds are a great addition to any household nowadays. It increases property value in case you’re looking to sell and it gives some much-needed decoration if you have a bare backyard. It also helps ensure you don’t have an over-cluttered home by

26 07, 2019

6 Stylish Decorating Ideas for Kitchen Design

By | 2019-07-26T21:07:24+02:00 July 26th, 2019|Home|

Can you believe that 31.41 percent of people think that traditional is the best kitchen style? While it's nice to play it safe, it's better to be a bit more experimental with your decor. That's why contemporary, modern, and transitional were also voted as some of the hottest kitchen designs out there. Throw caution to wind

19 07, 2019

8 Essential Tips for Buying Furniture Online

By | 2021-09-06T16:13:37+02:00 July 19th, 2019|Home, Shopping|

Online furniture sales are booming like never before. Going to the store to buy furniture can be extremely time consuming and overly-expensive. However, buying furniture online isn't without problems. You can't just look at a pretty photo and click "buy" it. You don't want to end up with mismatched chairs or badly chosen tables for

18 07, 2019

5 Key Things You Should Know About Homeowners Insurance

By | 2019-07-20T00:18:12+02:00 July 18th, 2019|Home|

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners confirm that 85 % of homeowners in America have home insurance policies. Homeowners’ insurance coverage is not a requirement by the federal government. On average, these policies will cost you $1083 annually. Financial lenders will require you to take a homeowners’ insurance cover when buying a home using borrowed

12 07, 2019

The Rise of Accessory Dwelling Units: Everything You Need to Know

By | 2019-07-12T20:46:15+02:00 July 12th, 2019|Home|

Accessory dwelling units have been around for decades, but they've been enjoying a renaissance in recent years. Millennials are partly responsible for the new rise in dwelling units, as the cost of living becomes tighter in metropolitan areas. Millennial homeowners are renting out ADUs for extra income, giving fellow millennials more affordable rental options. Baby

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