
/Roswitha Moti

About Roswitha Moti

I am passionate about Fashion, Style, Lifestyle, Wellness, Education, Life Coaching, Writing, Reading and watching motivational videos. I love life and people. I think we all have a gift and i want to help people discover it, because a life lived without a purpose and joy is in vain.
1 04, 2014

Winner #3 Giveaway Laura Chirita

By | 2017-06-13T20:31:24+02:00 April 1st, 2014|Style|

This magical and fun day, 1st of April, brings us the lucky fashionista who won our #3 Giveaway of this year!  As you already know, this month we had fashion designer Laura Chirita as a participant in our INSPIRE ME project and if you want to know her better, please read the interview! Thank you

21 03, 2014

Giveaway: Laura Chirita

By | 2019-02-15T20:28:25+02:00 March 21st, 2014|Style|

The sun is up, the birds are singing, the grass is green and the flowers are blossoming. In one word, SPRING is here and with it, our #3 Giveaway of 2014. So far we had Lulou Accessories, Sofia Afrenie and now one more designer offered one of her unique designs to you, our fashionable readers! I

15 03, 2014

Inspire ME To Follow My Dream #3: Laura Chirita

By | 2019-02-15T20:18:04+02:00 March 15th, 2014|Style|

Here we are again, with our new candidate for the Inspire Me project   This column Inspire Me was created to promote talented people from all over the world and to inspire other people who have talent TO DO what they LOVE and stop wasting any other minute on doing what others want from them. It is a big

9 03, 2014

Sunday Photo: Women’s Day

By | 2019-07-12T21:07:21+02:00 March 9th, 2014|Style|

Yesterday was the celebration of women worldwide, was the day where every woman and girl got at least a flower, where all men were more attentive to women's needs, where all women smiled more. (Or at least i want to believe that this happened) But, why does this happen only once a year? Why do

2 03, 2014

Winner #2 Giveaway Sofia Afrenie

By | 2021-02-18T16:49:50+02:00 March 2nd, 2014|Style|

Cheers to our second Giveaway @Estilo-Tendances! Today is the day when we announce the happy winner, who will get a stylish unique trench coat by Sofia Afrenie! We want to thank all of you for taking part in this contest and stay tuned, March is here with new surprises! Who is the Winner of #2

19 02, 2014

Giveaway: Sofia Afrenie

By | 2019-02-15T20:28:25+02:00 February 19th, 2014|Style|

It is February, which means it is time for our second Giveaway this year! As you already seen, in the beginning of the month we had an interview with Romanian designer Sofia Afrenie and we got to know her better and also see her work in the fashion industry. This whole concept of an interview

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