
22 02, 2018

10 Ways to Stay in Shape While on Vacation

By | 2018-02-22T10:30:36+02:00 February 22nd, 2018|Travel|

Going on vacation is an excuse for letting go of your usual routines and recharging. You can kick back on the beach with a mai tai or sip hot chocolate at a ski lodge. There is one routine you shouldn't abandon completely on vacation. Working out. You work hard to stay in shape and two

15 02, 2018

9 Tips for Going on a South African Safari

By | 2021-07-08T17:14:11+02:00 February 15th, 2018|Travel|

You've decided to go on a South African safari. You are excited but nervous at the same time. What is a safari like? Is it safe? What animals will you see? A number of questions are going through your head. To help alleviate your worries, we've come up with 9 tips that will make your

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