
/Hanna Jameson

About Hanna Jameson

Fashion and travel lover Apart from usual chaos of doing what I love for a living, I'm generally a fashion freaky girl who oves to travel in (what I hope is) style. I like to read a lot and share my life experiences with like minded people.
20 03, 2014

Top 10 DIY Jewelry Ideas That Will Make Your Friends Envious

By | 2021-09-21T16:29:07+02:00 March 20th, 2014|Style|

Who needs expensive jewelry (save for that dazzling diamond ring from Mr Right) when you can DIY? Here are our top 10 ideas on how to create amazing pieces for next to nothing. Whether you have the DIY gene or not, some fashion jewelry trends beg to be recreated on a minimal budget. If you’re