Who WE Are
Estilo Tendances was born on 24th of July 2010, as a personal Fashion Blog. After 3 years, Roswitha realised that she wants to do more with it. Her love for teaching and empowering young girls to find their voice, pushed her to transform Estilo Tendances into a platform, where aspiring writers could become experts in their niche.
Since October 2014, we (Roswitha & Mihai – founder of Male-Extravaganza.com) have trained 40+ people to do what they love, we have learned to write comprehensive articles – we are the only ones in the Style & Beauty Industry that write 1,000+ words articles, we have jumped from 10,000 monthly page views to close to 100,000 (June 2015), we helped designers get more social awareness and we have changed our minds about a million times in regards to which flavoured ice-cream is our favourite. (Roswitha still thinks it is butter-pecan)
- Make 1,000,000 women happy, to live a stylish life, in a beautiful way doing what they love.
- Help women to be paid equal to men.
- Help women understand that it is okay to want to have a career and a family and that they do not have to choose. Women can DO BOTH and thrive, through their personal businesses.
- Empower young people to be business people. We want to help break the barrier that only after a certain age you can be successful, or smart, or mature enough. NO, if you want it bad enough, there is no limit in age or time to what you can or cannot do.
Our MISSION Statement
We are the biggest online platform and we empower women to dress better, feel beautiful, think positively, be confident and happy on a daily basis! We also train young girls to be online experts and to create their dream job – making millions from their laptops.