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25 11, 2019

Here’s What Single Women Buying Homes Need to Know

By | 2021-03-25T16:09:38+02:00 November 25th, 2019|Home, Shopping|

Buying a house as a single woman can be nerve-wracking, to say the least. Why? Well, first, you're single. And, second, you're a woman. Each comes with its particular headaches and anxieties. Together, well... Let's put it this way: When you're single, especially moving to an unfamiliar city, you're alone and your new realtor might

29 07, 2019

A Complete List of the Best Tech Companies to Work for in 2019

By | 2019-08-02T17:01:46+02:00 July 29th, 2019|Business, Work-Life|

Did you know that the five largest technology companies are worth over 3.5 trillion dollars? Whether you're currently in the tech industry looking for a new job, or hoping to switch career paths, if money is appealing to you — tech is the answer. Technology companies are innovative, unique, and offer benefits for personal growth. Software

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